We were here for a short stop-over before going to Amsterdam. Thinking it was part of Rick Steves' Best of Europe, we made no preparations for this trip. But as it worked out, Brussels was extremely easy to explore by foot. Certainly for a short 2 day trip to try the snacks and chocolate as you walk, and not to mention the mussels in Brussels....

The first thing we see when we walked out of the train station.....

At the main square, called the Grand Place..... the buildings around here are very kick ass....

Chloe & Casper, bringing more life to the trip with their bubbliness...

Everyone was trying these waffles... we couldn't resist too....

A must-see.... the little peeing boy....

...but what was more memorable was the escargot stall next to it...

...with the weather being cold, nothing beats 10 plump escargots dumped into steaming hot spicy celery broth.... it was heaven and back for a discount of 3 euros... delicious, we probably had 4 servings each in 2 days....

The makan street....

with alot of fresh seafood....

cheese on mussels......

A few naked cows..... haha

having a drinking nite out with the asians....

This looks like the Brandenburg Gate.... dunno what it is called though... haha... someone just told us there's something here to see... 
xt.... horrified by his fish....
We were here for a short stop-over before going to Amsterdam. Thinking it was part of Rick Steves' Best of Europe, we made no preparations for this trip. But as it worked out, Brussels was extremely easy to explore by foot. Certainly for a short 2 day trip to try the snacks and chocolate as you walk, and not to mention the mussels in Brussels....

The first thing we see when we walked out of the train station.....

At the main square, called the Grand Place..... the buildings around here are very kick ass....

Chloe & Casper, bringing more life to the trip with their bubbliness...

Everyone was trying these waffles... we couldn't resist too....

A must-see.... the little peeing boy....

...but what was more memorable was the escargot stall next to it...

...with the weather being cold, nothing beats 10 plump escargots dumped into steaming hot spicy celery broth.... it was heaven and back for a discount of 3 euros... delicious, we probably had 4 servings each in 2 days....

The makan street....

with alot of fresh seafood....

cheese on mussels......

A few naked cows..... haha
European Union Parliament...

ahh.... these honkies influenced me to act silly....

having a drinking nite out with the asians....

This looks like the Brandenburg Gate.... dunno what it is called though... haha... someone just told us there's something here to see...
after so many restaurants touted at us along the street, we decided to settle for this one...
we hadn't eat fresh prawns for a few months.... hence the steam look...

xt.... horrified by his fish....
Brussels was great... won't forget the escargots. However, though they are known for their chocolates, we just found really wonderful truffles from the supermarket next to our residence that cost just 1.50 euros for a box.... will try to bring back more for you guys....
- DD
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