
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Asian Company

From the previous posts, it seems that xt & dd have only been spending their time with the ang mohs... but we are no SPGuys.... and we've been lucky enough to find a whole bunch of fun & eccentric Asian exchange students here. The only drawback for xt is that none of them are Jappo... haha...

This post will be more for the guys... since the only other Asian dude, Casper, may not be that appealing to the Singaporean taste buds.... haha.... but then again... don't girls love to check out other girls too....

Any Koreans or Honkies for you lums???.....

Jeeyeon's B'day

Jeeyeon is the one in yellow.... she's from korea

the 2 other girls were so nice to make a tiramisu cake....

this is Chloe from Hong Kong... & she likes to act cute... but at least she's not ACBC... haha

Chloe, Hye Jun (SK), Casper (HK) & xt....

Latern & Mooncake Party

frens of the honkies posted over a couple of laterns, so we had some fun with it 1 night....

Jeeyeon looking unglam here....

if i didn't tell you, you wouldn't guess that we are spinning those lou pok lanterns, right?

doesn't this look so cool....

Zoe, teaching us how to make crepe..... she's one of our only french fren here... and that's cos she's in our project group... haha... I think we know more dutchies from this exchange...

crystal trying her hand, but making a mess...

this casper is really very funny.... a joker face with a bubbly-vulgar personality....

and making the worst crepe of the night....

Sri, a Sri Lankan Aussie.... he's our roomie....

had mooncakes courtesy of Alvan...
We have alot of great times with this bunch... and its comforting to be hearing cantonese around next door... reminds me of my granny and how I miss her cooking....
Ok I'll be heading for my Salzburg/Vienna/Bratislava trip, while xt will be going to Nice to look for Xuefen.... will be back with more stories and pics....

- DD


  • no drunk photos from your drinking sessions with the asians? :D would love to see one of xt sitting in a corner, sleeping, complete with drool dripping out of his mouth. AHHAHHAHA.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:21 AM  

  • hahaha.... he deleted the one of him sleeping naked in the bath tub la... if not that would have been a classic shot too.. along with gene's.... haha

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:11 PM  

  • eh XT never bring his dinosaur lanter... shi shang zi you mama hao......

    im sure everyone will love that lanter.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:47 PM  

  • sleeping naked in the bath tub

    ehhh this xt buay brother. how can you delete pics from the SS!! for QC to work must ask the opinion of everyone. anyway you have like how many funny pics. can bind up become textbook already man =p

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:36 AM  

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