
Monday, October 02, 2006

hello pple, welcome to the first ever post of THE ADVENTURES OF XT & DD. yup, I have finally decided not to be lazy and start our blog due to popular demand. Marcus is now in Bath with his gf and I am alone in Paris trying to feed myself with spagetti, sausages and egg for every meal.

Some photos of our room first..

...our squatter settlement

...the nice kitchen

...Marcus cooking up some tortilla de patatas taught to us by our Spanish friend Pol.

and.. some random photos of our time in europe so far.. front of the Arc de Triomphe

& in Venice with Isa(more stories of Isa to follow soon..) St. Malo (some french coastal town)

& behaving like the drunks we are in Munich..

and finally.. the rest of the SMU gang in ESSEC..Mudit and Crystal!

Thats it for the first post! More juicy stories of our travels in Italy, Spain and Germany next time.. Marcs will probly write when he comes back from Bath.

- the xt


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